Choosing the Right Azure Email Service for 2021

Explore popular hosted email delivery service solutions for your Azure email service needs in this informative guide.

Find Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags with PowerShell

Discover how to find the latest Azure IP ranges and service tags, and build a handy PowerShell script to stay up-to-date.

Set Up Azure File Sync: Sync On-Prem Files to Azure

Learn how to set up Azure File Sync from scratch and sync on-prem files to Azure in this step-by-step guide.

Set Up Azure Service Principal: Unattended Access Guide

Learn how to work with Azure service principals and app registrations for unattended access to your services.

Deploy Azure DSC Configurations with ARM Templates

Master the deployment of Azure DSC configurations to Azure VMs using ARM templates. Boost your cloud management skills and IT expertise.

Set Up Hybrid Azure AD: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn to set up a hybrid Azure AD joined scenario and start using Azure AD services. Enhance your cloud management skills and IT expertise.

Unlock Azure DevOps Variables for Automation

Master Azure DevOps variables and apply them to your pipelines for seamless automation. Improve your IT skills and streamline your workflow.

Master AzCopy: Download, Install, and Authenticate

Learn to download, install, and authenticate AzCopy for seamless Azure storage management. Boost your cloud skills and efficiency.

Generate Azure SAS Tokens with PowerShell and Portal

Create Azure SAS tokens using PowerShell and Azure portal for secure storage management. Boost your cloud security and authentication skills.

Optimize Azure Scale Sets Management with PowerShell

Master Azure Scale Sets management using PowerShell. Learn to create, configure, and automate VM scale sets for improved cloud infrastructure.

Master Azure Docker Deployment: Step-by-Step Guide

Deploy and run your first Azure Container Instance (ACI) with this comprehensive Azure Docker tutorial for IT professionals.

Build an Azure Detailed Usage Report with PowerShell

Create a PowerShell script to build an Azure detailed daily usage report using common Azure cmdlets.

Connect to Azure SQL Database: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn to connect to Azure SQL Database and use it alongside or instead of traditional SQL Server installations.

Regain Control of Azure Resources with Azure Policy

Master Azure Policy through GUI and command-line to take back control of your Azure resources.

Run Scripts on Azure VMs with Custom Script Extension

Remotely run PowerShell scripts on your Azure VMs using the Azure custom script extension for Windows.

Create & Host Azure Static Websites with Ease

Build and host an Azure static website with HTTP and HTTPS support using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Delete Azure VMs & Clean Up with PowerShell

Learn how to delete an Azure VM and clean up related resources using the Remove-AzVM PowerShell command.

Effortless Azure VM Snapshots with PowerShell

Create, manage, restore, and remove Azure VM snapshots using a community PowerShell module in just a few keystrokes!