Adam Listek

United States

Specialities *

Web DevelopmentPowerShell

The Director and Writing Success Manager of ATA Learning. Over 20 years of IT experience in multiple fields ranging from healthcare to higher education and everything in between.

* Specialities and certifications are provided by the instructor, but not validated by ATA Learning

PowerShell Write-Host: Do You Still Need It?

Explore the popular PowerShell Write-Host cmdlet and determine if it's still necessary for your scripting needs.

PowerShell Splatting: Simplify and Organize Your Scripts

Discover how PowerShell splatting can transform your script from a messy code block to a well-structured masterpiece.

Master PowerShell Trim and TrimEnd Methods

Discover how to use PowerShell trim() and trimend() methods in this informative tutorial.

Customize Microsoft Teams with Webhooks and PowerShell

Create custom cards in Teams channels using incoming Teams webhooks and PowerShell for a personalized experience.

PowerShell Techniques to Restart Computers Remotely

Discover all the ways to use PowerShell to reboot remote computers in this example-driven tutorial.

Active Directory Recycle Bin: Enable, Manage, and Optimize

Learn how the Active Directory Recycle Bin works, enable it with ADAC and PowerShell, and manage tombstone lifetime.

Docker Commit: Streamline Your Docker Image Management

Master the docker commit command and learn how to efficiently manage changes to your Docker images.

Demystifying Azure VM Pricing: Get More VM for Your Money

Understand Azure VM pricing in a simple and easy-to-grasp manner to make informed decisions and optimize your budget.

Robocopy /MIR: Sync Files with Ease and Confidence

Understand the robocopy /MIR switch and learn how to sync files with numerous examples in this easy-to-follow guide.

PowerShell Data Types & Type Accelerators: A Tutorial

Learn all about PowerShell data types and enhance your coding skills with type accelerators in this comprehensive tutorial.

Send Secure PowerShell Emails: 5 Alternative Methods

Create Send-MailKitMessage to replace SmtpClient for more secure PowerShell email sending with this step-by-step guide.

PowerShell Grep: Unleash the Power of Text Search

Discover the grep-like capabilities of PowerShell for powerful text search and manipulation in this informative tutorial.

Master PowerShell Pause: Command Line & Scripting Techniques

Discover various ways to execute PowerShell pause in scripts and on the command line for simple commands or complex processes.