When you work with PowerShell property values in a collection of objects, sometimes you will need a way to filter out all the things you do not need. Knowing how to use the PowerShell Where-Object
cmdlet is an important skill to have in your PowerShell toolbox.
The Where-Object
cmdlet is a handy way to filter objects. In this tutorial, you will learn different ways to construct a Where-Object
command, it’s available parameters, syntax, as well as how to use multiple conditions like a pro!
There is only one prerequisite for this article. You should have some basic familiarity with PowerShell commands and syntax.
All examples in this article will be based on the current stable release of PowerShell (7.1.0 at the time of writing). But as long as you have Windows PowerShell 4.0 and higher, the commands will work the same.
Understanding How PowerShell Where-Object Works
The PowerShell Where-Object
cmdlet’s only goal is to filter the output a command returns to only return the information you want to see.
In a nutshell, the Where-Object
cmdlet is a filter; that’s it. It allows you to construct a condition that returns True or False. Depending on the result of that condition, the cmdlet then either returns the output or does not.
You can craft that condition in one of two ways; the “old” way with scriptblocks and the “new” way using parameters or comparison statements.
Creating Filter Conditions with Scriptblocks
Scriptblocks are a key component in PowerShell. Scriptblocks are used in hundreds of places throughout the language. A scriptblock is an anonymous function. It’s a way to compartmentalize code and execute it in various places. You can build a filter for Where-Object
via a scriptblock.
To use a scriptblock as a filter, you’d use the FilterScript
parameter. This parameter allows you to create and pass a scriptblock to the FilterScript
parameter which is then executed.
If the scriptblock returns a value other than a boolean False or null variable, it’s considered True. If not, it’s considered False.
For example, let’s say you need to find all of the Windows services which currently have a startup type of Automatic. You’d first gather all of the current services with Get-Service
. Get-Service
then returns many different service objects with various properties.
Using the PowerShell pipeline, you could then pipe those objects to the Where-Object
cmdlet and use the FilterScript
parameter. Since the FilterScript
parameter accepts a scriptblock, you could create a condition to check whether or not the StartType
property of each object is equal to Automatic like below.
{$_.StartType -EQ 'Automatic'}
Once you have the filtering scriptblock, you’d then provide that scriptblock to the FilterScript
parameter. Where-Object
would then execute that scriptblock for every object coming over the pipeline and evaluate each StartType
property. If the property equals Automatic, Where-Object
would pass the object though. If not, the object would be dropped.
You can see a simple example of this methodology below.
Get-Service | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.StartType -EQ 'Automatic'}

Many people use positional parameters with the
cmdlet and don’t include theFilterScript
parameter name. Instead, they simply provide the scriptblock alone likeWhere-Object {$_.StartType -eq 'Automatic'}
While this type of construct works for this particular scenario. The concept of a scriptblock with the curly braces or even the pipeline variable $_
makes the code less readable and more difficult for less experienced PowerShell users. This readability issue is what caused the PowerShell team to introduce parameters or comparison statements.
Comparison Statements
Introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0, comparison statements have more of a natural flow to how they are constructed. Using the same scenario as the previous example, let’s use the comparison statement construct to find all of the Windows services with an Automatic startup type:
Get-Service | Where-Object -Property StartType -EQ 'Automatic'
Notice above that instead of using a scriptblock, the command specifies the object property as a parameter value to the Property
parameter. The eq
operator is now a parameter as well allowing you to pass the value of Automatic to it.
Using parameters in this manner now eliminates the need for a scriptblock entirely.
A scriptblock is a better choice when defining more complex filtering conditions. The
parameter may not always be the best choice. If using a scriptblock, just remember to document your code using comments!
In the next section, you’ll learn about the available comparison operator types that can be used with Where-Object
to filter all the things.
Filtering Basics
Using parameters, Where-Object
filters collections of objects using common comparison operators. Let’s dive into some examples of how they work.
Containment Operators
Containment operators are useful when working with collections. Containment operators allow you to define a condition if a collection contains an item or not.
As an example, let’s say you want to filter for a particular property value in a collection. You could use containment operators.
In PowerShell, you’ll find a few different containment operators:
– Filter a collection containing a property value.-notcontains
– Filter a collection that does not contain a property value.-in
– value is in a collection, returns property value if a match is found.-notin
– value is not in a collection,null
if there is no property value.
For case sensitivity, use containment operators that begin with -c[operator]
Let’s say you’d like to check the status of the BITS Windows service. You can do so using the contains
parameter (operator) by passing the value of BITS to it like below.
Get-Service | Where-Object -Property Name -Contains 'BITS'
And below is what you would expect to see:

Always remember to filter left! The previous example is the equivalent to running
Get-Service -ServiceName 'BITS'
Perhaps you’d like to get fancier and find all services with a Status that is not Running and a StartType that is in a single string (or could be an array) called Manual. Using a scriptblock below, the command is using the FilterScript
parameter to pass a scriptblock that evaluates on both of those conditions.
Get-Service |
Where-Object {($_.Status -notcontains 'Running') -and ($_.StartType -in 'Manual')}
When you run the above command, you will only see services that are stopped and have a StartType of Manual.

Filtering with containment operators works well with collections that contain many property values. Given the number of properties that Get-Service
returns, filtering through all of these properties is made easier when you combine containment and logical operators.
Matching Operators
Similar to how you use contaimment operators with Where-Object
, you can also use mathcing operators. Matching operators allow you to match strings inside of strings. For example, 'foofoo' -like '*foo*'
returns True or 'foofoo' -match 'foo'
returns True. Matching operators match strings in strings.
In PowerShell, you have a few different matching operators that you can use within Where-Object
– string matches a wildcard pattern.-notlike
– string does not match wildcard pattern.-match
– string matches regex pattern.-notmatch
– string does not match regex pattern
For case sensitivity, use matching operators that begin with
Almost identical in form to containment operators, you can use matching operators as shown below. The below example is finding all services which have Windows in the DisplayName property value.
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -match 'Windows'}

operator uses regular expressions to match on certain values.You can also use the like
operator to use common matching techniques like using a wildcard (*
) to match any character or perhaps a ?
to match a single character.
Get-Service | Where-Object {($_.Name -like 'Win*')}
The results are filtered now to just those service names with ‘Win‘ as the first three characters:

Using the wildcard means you don’t have to know the full name of the service. A few letters of the string are all that’s needed. These operators can also be combined with logical operators to enhance filtering even further.
Equality Operators
Similar to how to use containment and comparison operators, you can also use equality operators with Where-Object
. Equality operators are useful when needing to compare numeric values.
For example, 1 -eq 1
would be True while 1 -gt 2
would be False. PowerShell has many different equality operators that you can use as Where-Object
parameters or inside of condition scriptblocks.
– value equal to specified value.-ne
– value not equal to specified value.-gt
– value greater than specified value.-ge
– value greater than or equal to specified value.-lt
– value less than specified value.-le
– value less than or equal to specified value.
For example, perhaps you’d like to find all running processes that are taking up between two and 10 percent of your CPU. Not a problem with the Get-Process
and Where-Object
PowerShell cmdlets.
Using a scriptblock, you can combine two conditions together using the and
operator which will evaluate them both. If they both return True, Where-Object
returns the process object passed over the pipeline. If at least one of the conditions returns False, Where-Object
drops the object.
Get-Process | Where-Object {($_.CPU -gt 2.0) -and ($_.CPU -lt 10)}
Here’s what you would expect to see:

Filtering using Where-Object
equality operators will help you in building system reports or for comparing values.
Next Steps
Now that you know more about how to use the PowerShell Where-Object
cmdlet to filter all the things, what else can you do? Try some more complex filtering tasks using multiple conditions and operators on collections to filter out property values and formatting the output to your liking.