Install Elasticsearch on Ubuntu for Next Level Searching

Published:6 May 2022 - 8 min. read

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Nicholas Xuan Nguyen

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Are you looking for a way to optimize and improve your website’s performance? Why not install Elasticsearch on Ubuntu? Elasticsearch is a powerful open-source search engine that helps you index and searches through large amounts of data quickly and easily.

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In this article, you’ll learn how to install Elasticsearch on Ubuntu and improve your website’s performance.

Read on to find out how to optimize your website like you never imagined!


This tutorial will be a hands-on demonstration. If you’d like to follow along, be sure you have the following.

  • An Ubuntu server. This tutorial uses Ubuntu 20.04.
  • A user account with root privileges. Though this redundantly demonstrates sudo with the root account, typically sudo is only necessary for a less-privileged account.

Installing Java on Ubuntu

Before getting your hands on Elasticsearch, you’ll first have to install Java on your server. Java installation is required for Elasticsearch to run.

You’ll install OpenJDK, the open-source Java Development Kit (JDK). This JDK is the recommended Java development environment for Elasticsearch.

While it’s possible to install Java after Elasticsearch, installing Java first is the best practice. Doing so ensures your environment is set up correctly and that there are no unexpected errors.

To install Java on your Ubuntu machine:

1. Run the apt update command to ensure your Ubuntu package repository is up-to-date.

sudo apt update -y
Updating the Ubuntu Package Repository
Updating the Ubuntu Package Repository

2. Next, run the apt install command to install OpenJDK (default-jdk).

You can install Java in other ways, but using the apt package manager is recommended to install Java on Ubuntu. apt ensures all required dependencies are installed.

sudo apt install default-jdk -y
Installing OpenJDK
Installing OpenJDK

3. Lastly, run the command below to check the installed version of Java.

java -version

As of this writing, the latest version below is, but yours might be different. This output indicates Java is installed correctly.

Checking Installed Java Version
Checking Installed Java Version

Install Elasticsearch on Ubuntu

Now that Java is installe d, you can install Elasticsearch on your server. Elasticsearch is not available in the Ubuntu repositories, so you’ll install it from a third-party source.

1. Run the apt-get install command below to install the apt-transport-https package. This package secures the communication between your Ubuntu server and the package repository.

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https -y
Installing the apt-transport-https package
Installing the apt-transport-https package

2. Next, run the curl command below to add the Elasticsearch GPG key to your system (apt-key add). This key is used to verify the authenticity of the Elasticsearch package.

curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
Adding the Elasticsearch GPG Key
Adding the Elasticsearch GPG Key

3. After adding the GPG key, run the below command to add the latest Elasticsearch repository ( stable main) to your system.

The -a flag is used to append the text to the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-7.x.list file. The elastic-7.x.list file is a list of files that contain a list of repositories, where your apt looks for packages to install.

Visit the Elasticsearch repository page to find other repositories with different versions of Elasticsearch

echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-7.x.list

The repository is added to your system, but the new repository is unusable until you update your apt-cache.

Adding the Elasticsearch Repository
Adding the Elasticsearch Repository

4. Now, run the apt update command below to update your apt-cache.

sudo apt update -y

You can see in the output below that the Elasticsearch repository has been added to your system.

Updating your apt-cache
Updating your apt-cache

5. Finally, run the apt install command below to install Elasticsearch on your server.

sudo apt install elasticsearch -y
Install Elasticsearch on Ubuntu
Install Elasticsearch on Ubuntu

Configuring Elasticsearch

You’ve completely installed Elasticsearch, but you’ll still have to configure Elasticsearch before using it. The main configuration file for Elasticsearch (elasticsearch.yml) is located in the /etc/elasticsearch directory.

You can find all configuration options available in the elasticsearch.yml file, and most of them are preconfigured. But you may need to change some of them according to your needs. And in this tutorial, you’ll only adjust the settings for the network host.

1. Open the elasticsearch.yml file in your favorite text editor.

sudo nano /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

2. Scroll down to the line that reads, as shown below.

Searching for the Line
Searching for the Line

3. Uncomment the line by removing the leading # symbol and replacing its value with localhost. Doing so increases security by restricting outside access to your Elasticsearch instance.

Save the changes and exit your editor.

Note that any redundant spaces in this document will cause parsing issues, leading to an error. Never add any extra spaces at the beginning and end of any lines, and only use spaces between dictionary keys and values.

Editing elasticsearch.yml file
Editing elasticsearch.yml file

4. Now, run each systemctl command below to reload the daemon and restart the elasticsearch service so that your changes take effect.

These commands don’t have output. But at this point, your Elasticsearch instance on port 9200 is now configured to allow traffic only from machines on your local network.

On port 9200, Elasticsearch listens for traffic from everywhere by default.

# Reload deamon
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
# Restart the elasticsearch service
sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch

5. Run the command below to start the elasticsearch service and verify the service is running.

sudo systemctl start elasticsearch
systemctl status elasticsearch

As shown below, the Elasticsearch service should be started with the status showing active (running).

Starting the Elasticsearch Service
Starting the Elasticsearch Service

6. Lastly, run the following netstat command to verify your Elasticsearch server is listening on the localhost interface on port 9200.

netstat -plntu | grep "9200"

You can see that the Elasticsearch process is running and listening on both the IPv6 and IPv4 loopback interfaces on port 9200, as shown below. 18718/java is the process ID (PID) for the Elasticsearch process.

Verifying Elasticsearch Server is Listening on the localhost
Verifying Elasticsearch Server is Listening on the localhost

Securing Elasticsearch Using UFW Firewall

Your Elasticsearch service is up, and naturally, you’d want to secure your Elasticsearch installation. But how? Ubuntu’s default firewall, UFW, is powerful enough and should suffice.

Your Elasticsearch server is accessible from the local network only, which is enough for developer and testing environments. But in a production environment, you’ll want to allow access to Elasticsearch only from specific hosts.

For example, your website may run on the server at, but you want to access the Elasticsearch data from a different machine on the network at You can add a rule to allow traffic from only.

Run the following command to add a UFW rule to allow traffic from to your Elasticsearch instance on port 9200. Replace the IP address with the one you want to allow traffic from.

sudo ufw allow from to any port 9200
Allowing Traffic From
Allowing Traffic From

Now, run the ufw status command below to check the status of your UFW firewall.

sudo ufw status verbose

The output below shows the rule you added is active.

Checking UFW Firewall Status
Checking UFW Firewall Status

Perhaps you want to remove a rule. If so, run the following command. Removing unused rules is highly recommended to keep your firewall tightened up. Replace IP_ADD accordingly. sudo ufw delete allow from IP_ADD to any port 9200

Searching Through Documents with Elasticsearch

Your Elasticsearch installation is now secure, so feel free to start using it, searching through documents with the curl -XGET command. But first, you’ll fetch nodes information in your Elasticsearch cluster you can use to debug problems with your Elasticsearch installation.

1. Run either of the below curl commands to get information (-XGET) about the nodes in your Elasticsearch cluster in human-readable or YAML format.

# Get information about the nodes in your Elasticsearch cluster in human-readable format
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_nodes?pretty' 
# Get information about the nodes in your Elasticsearch cluster in YAML format
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_nodes?format=yaml'

You’ll see an output similar below when you choose the JSON format. You can use the JSON output below to debug problems with your Elasticsearch installation.

Getting Nodes Information in the Elasticsearch Cluster (JSON format)
Getting Nodes Information in the Elasticsearch Cluster (JSON format)

You’d get the below output instead if you choose the YAML format.

Getting Nodes Information in the Elasticsearch Cluster (YAML format)
Getting Nodes Information in the Elasticsearch Cluster (YAML format)

2. Next, run the below curl command to add an index called ata. An index in Elasticsearch is like a ‘database’ in a relational database, such as MySQL.

This command adds a JSON document (application/json) to the ata index and makes it searchable. 1 is the unique identifier for the document in the ata index.

Documents in an index are usually stored in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. Your e-commerce website, for example, can have one index with product data related and another index with customer data related.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST 'http://localhost:9200/ata/task/1' -d '{ "name": "Go to the mall." }'
Adding an Index Called ata
Adding an Index Called ata

Note that your index name should be lowercase only. Uppercase letters are not allowed in index names, and the same goes with special characters like \, /, *, ?, “, <, >, |, ` ` (space character). You’ll get an error message like shown below if you try to create an index with a name that is not valid.

Getting Index Naming Error
Getting Index Naming Error

3. Run the following curl command to search for the document you just created in step two in more concise and human-readable JSON output (?pretty).

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9200/ata/task/1?pretty'

You will see the output in JSON format similar to the following.

Search for the ata Index
Search for the ata Index

4. Now, run the command below to PUT a new value in the ata index with “Go to the supermarket”.

The PUT command replaces data in an existing document so long as you specify the same ID.

curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/ata/task/1?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"name": "Go to the supermarket"

You can see below that this time the version number is 2. When you add a new document to an index, Elasticsearch sets the _version field to 1. When you update a document, Elasticsearch sets the _version field to 2.

The version number is incremented by one every time you update a document. This behavior lets you track the changes made to a document.

Updating an Existing Document
Updating an Existing Document

5. Run the command below to DELETE the ata index. Deleting unused indexes lets you save disk space.

This command deletes everything related to the specified unused index, such as its documents, shards, and metadata. So be careful before you use this command.

curl -X DELETE "localhost:9200/ata?pretty"
Delete the ata Index
Delete the ata Index

6. Finally, run the below command to check if the ata index is still available.

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9200/ata?pretty'

You’ll get a 404 “not found” message, as shown below, which indicates ata index has been deleted successfully.

Verifying ata Index is Deleted
Verifying ata Index is Deleted


In this article, you’ve learned how to install Elasticsearch on Ubuntu. You’ve added documents to an index, updated documents, and deleted unused indexes.

Elasticsearch is more than just a search engine that provides human-readable outputs in JSON and YAML format. Many data analysts, DevOps experts, and marketing professionals use Elasticsearch regularly.

Your Elasticsearch journey is just beginning. Why not start performing text analysis on the Star Wars movies to see what insights you can uncover? May the force be with you!

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