Set-Content is one of those core PowerShell cmdlets that I can’t do without. I still remember using VBscript before we could use PowerShell to write to a file. I remember always trying to remember what kind of object I needed to use and the method name. Was it FileSystemObject, FileObject or what? It was a pain! Even when I did recall the method name was CreateTextFile()
, I’d always forget to add True
as the second argument.
Here’s an example of the monstrosity I’m talking about.
Set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(outFile,True)
objFile.Write "test string"
Compare that VBScript with this PowerShell:
Set-Content -Path 'C:\file.txt' -Value 'test string'
Which one do you prefer? I’ll take the PowerShell way! The PowerShell way uses a single cmdlet called Set-content. This cmdlet allows us to much more easily use PowerShell to write to a file. This PowerShell cmdlet is a built-in cmdlet that has one purpose; to write to a file.
It may have some parameters here and there to change up that behavior a bit, but it’s solely focused on writing to a file. Not to be confused with Add-Content
though since they are similar. Set-Content
overwrites the entire file while Add-Content
adds to a file. I learned that one the hard way multiple times when I first got started!
Creating a File/Overwriting a File
The Set-Content
cmdlet is fairly simple. Below is a good example. This example shows that Set-Content
can both create a file if it doesn’t exist or it can replace all of the contents inside of a pre-existing file.
PS> Test-Path -Path C:\test.txt
PS> Set-Content -Path C:\test.txt -Value 'foo'
PS> Get-Content -Path C:\test.txt
PS> Set-Content -Path C:\test.txt -Value 'bar'
PS> Get-Content -Path C:\test.txt
Output to a File
One cmdlet that can output to a file is Out-File
, but Set-Content
can perform the same task albeit a little differently.
Perhaps you’d like to pull specific pieces of text from one text file and output lines to another file. By using Get-Content
and Set-content, you can make this happen. Maybe I’ve got a text file with one server and their status per line. I’d like to read each server’s status and output that to a file. Using Get-Content
to read the file and Set-Content
to write to file, it’s possible.
PS> Get-Content -Path C:\test.txt
SRV1 Status: Up
SRV2 Status: Down
SRV3 Status: Up
PS> Get-Content -Path C:\test.txt | ForEach-Object {
>>> $srvName = $_.Split(' ')[0]
>>> Set-Content -Path "C:\$srvName.txt" -Value $_
PS> Get-ChildItem -Filter 'SRV*'
Directory: C:\
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 10/29/2017 12:38 PM 17 SRV1.txt
-a---- 10/29/2017 12:38 PM 19 SRv2.txt
-a---- 10/29/2017 12:38 PM 17 SRV3.txt
PS> Get-ChildItem -Filter 'SRV*' | Get-Content
SRV1 Status: Up
SRV2 Status: Down
SRV3 Status: Up
is one of those core cmdlets that gets used constantly. It’s not fancy but works every time and is one you should have in your PowerShell bag of tricks.
For a full breakdown, check out the Set-Content Microsoft documentation.