In this lesson, we’ll explore automatic variables in PowerShell – special variables that are built into the system. Unlike variables we create ourselves, these automatic variables are predefined by PowerShell and serve specific purposes. Let’s look at some common examples and how to use them.
Modifying Automatic Variables
Let’s look at $MaximumHistoryCount
, for example. This automatic variable defines how many lines of your command history are saved.
💡 Tip: Run the Get-History
command sometimes if you’re curious about what commands you’ve executed previously.

The maximum value looks like it’s set to 4096 lines.
Let’s change the value to 200
because I don’t need that much history.
$MaximumHistoryCount = 200
Perfect! But, most automatic variables cannot be overwritten.
Let’s try to change the value of $PSEdition
$PSEdition = 'something else'

That attempt didn’t work because the majority of automatic variables are read-only or defined as constants.
Creating and Managing Constants
Another aspect of managing variables is setting them as constants, which means once you set them, you can’t change them.
To create a constant, use the Set-Variable
cmdlet and the Option
Set-Variable -Name 'color' -Value 'green' -Option Constant
$color = 'blue'
It looks like the same error message. It’s likely that the $PSEdition
automatic variable is defined as a constant.

Checking Exit Codes
Here’s another useful automatic variable when working with executables: the $LastExitCode
variable. When an executable ends, it returns an exit code that indicates the result, such as 0 for success, 1 for failure, etc.
Using the $LastExitCode
variable, you can run an executable and then check the exit code of the last result.
Let’s demonstrate by pinging some unknown host and checking the value of $LastExitCode
ping.exe -n 1

Notice the exit code is 1, which is expected since the ping didn’t succeed.
Now, let’s ping something to get a successful result.
ping.exe -n 1; $LastExitCode
Notice the returned value is now 0. Also, look at how two actions were performed on the same line. You can do this in PowerShell by using the semicolon.
PowerShell, by default, thinks each line you type is a separate execution, so it treats a semicolon like a new line and executes actions in sequence.

Defining and Using Null Variables
Let’s end with one more automatic variable you’ll probably use a lot: the $null
variable. This variable is a special one that is a value and isn’t at the same time.
This variable is simply a placeholder for nothing, particularly useful in strict mode.
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
Strict mode gets picky with variables. You can’t just try to call a variable, like $foo
; it will return an error.

But if you define the variable, it’s fine.
$foo = 'something'

But what if you plan to define a variable but not have a value? Enter the $null
Assign your variable to the $null
variable; you now have a defined variable with no value.
$bar = $null
Get-Variable -Name bar

That’s it for variables. We covered all of the basics, and hopefully, there are some hints on where you can explore further.