Keep Techies Happy with a Digital Employee Experience

Published:29 June 2022 - 1 min. read

Full disclosure: This article was sponsored by 1E and written by Johan Conradie.

Within the last two years, employees have spent a massive amount of time online and out of the office, while connected to colleagues. This pandemic-induced, abrupt change has brought about a new area organizations should pay close attention to; Digital Employee Experience (DEX).

DEX is a term meant to capture how employees work with and feel about their organization’s digital tooling and processes. It’s meant to measure how successful and productive employees are using an organization’s digital tools.

Keep Up or Lose Employees

Nowadays, modern employees cannot see the benefit of traditional human resources (HR) which is why DEX is important. Traditional 9-to-5 working is a thing of the past and the modern workplace is task not time-driven.

The modern employee is familiar with the latest technology. Employees have high digital experience expectations and organizations must strive to meet these expectations for productivity and morale. If employee expectations are not met, employees will be joining millions of others in The Great Resignation.

It’s critical that organizations make DEX a first-class citizen and manage it as an integral part of the HR function. If done correctly, employees are likely to be more engaged which will provide the best experience for the organization and also the employee.

Make Digital Employee Experience a Priority

The digital world will continue to evolve, and organizations must evolve with it. Organizations can no longer separate the digital world from business processes. They must constantly review and ensure that the experience they provide is adequate and stimulating while allowing the employee to be engaged and productive.

A culture of continuous improvement is important because the experience will improve as new technology becomes available and productivity improvements can be realized. Tedious time-consuming tasks can be automated, and piles of paperwork can be reduced by providing employees with modern tools to complete their daily tasks.

Monitoring and controlling the results becomes easier and time from initiation to completion is greatly reduced while errors are eliminated.

1E’s Digital Employee Experience Rewards

Due to a newfound focus on remote work and digital experience, 1E has announced the first annual digital experience (DEX) awards. This program awards people for the impact that they’ve had on their organizations.

This award program is important because it recognizes effort and initiatives. It also ensures that organizations understand that the digital employee experience is a journey needing constant reviews and improvements.

Organizations that understand and improve DEX will retain great employees for years to come. Lost ground will be difficult to make up as the digital world is evolving at a breakneck pace! Why not join me, and register for recognition of your efforts in the world of #DEX as well?

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